Less than four days prior to trial we settled this medical negligence case against a hospital . This ended a fight for justice and fairness for our client and her husband which lasted over four years and culminated in a settlement that will pay out close to $6,000,000.00 in present and structured benefits. Incident The […]

Do Not Talk To The Police
An interesting video by a Duke Law Professor telling law students not to talk to the police in any circumstance. Every citizen should watch this video and learn why Supreme Court Justices agree that you should never talk to the police. Even if you are innocent of the crime being investigated, talking to the […]

Sober driver charged with DUI… even though he had a 0.000 blood-alcohol content
An Ohio man was charged with DUI after her was pulled over by the police, despite the fact that a breathalyzer test showed he had a blood-alcohol content of 0.000. 64-year-old Jessie Thornton who now lives in Surprise, Arizona said cops told him that they could tell he was drunk simply by looking at him. […]

We handle bariatric surgery cases (roux en y) including damage from thiamine (B1) deficiency and metabolic deficiencies
Thiamine or B1 is a water soluble vitamin that is necessary for the conversion of nutrition into energy for brain and nerve function. Thiamine is also necessary for your body to carry oxygen to your cells primarily through your red blood cells. Thiamin deficiency is common among post bariatric surgery patients with frequent vomiting, blockages […]

Johnson and Johnson has know for years about the correlation between talcum powder and ovarian cancer. Missouri & Illinois law firm
Johnson and Johnson has know for years about the correlation between talcum powder and ovarian cancer when used by women for perineal hygiene. When talcum powder is applied in the genital region, talc particles can move through the female reproductive system to the ovaries. These particles can remain in the ovaries for years and create an environment […]

One Million Dollar Result For Fall Through Dangerous Skylight Near Sidewalk
THE DANGERS OF SKYLIGHTS: One Million Dollar Result For Fall Through Dangerous Skylight Near Sidewalk In late 2013 we settled a case for our client for $1,000,000.00 shortly prior to trial. The settlement offer prior to a mediation meeting was only $100,000.00. The case involved a 20 foot fall through […]

Transforaminal Epidural Injections (Nerve Root Injections) Can Cause Death or Serious Injury
TRANSFORAMINAL EPIDURAL INJECTIONS INTO THE NEUROFORAMINAL OPENINGS ARE USUALLY SAFE BUT THE FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE MOST UP TO DATE SAFETY STANDARDS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS NERVE INJURY, PARALYSIS AND EVEN DEATH Many people are trying to avoid spinal surgery for stenosis, ruptured discs, fusions and other spinal diseases by undergoing injections. These injections are […]

Dangers of Bariatric Surgery: $4,500,000.00 Gastric Bypass Settlement
Dangers of Bariatric Surgery: $4,500,000.00 Gastric Bypass Settlement In 2007, Pedroli & Gauthier settled a claim against a St. Louis area hospital’s gastric bypass weight loss program for $3.5 million. The bariatric surgeon contributed an additional $1 million to make the case a total settlement of $4,500,000.00, a record that year for a medical malpractice […]

Drowning, Near Drowning, Diving and Other Swimming Pool Claims and Lawsuits
Our firm has handled multiple drowning, near drowning and diving cases. These have resulted in multiple claims in excess of a million dollars. We are very experienced in swimming pool claims, and we will perform an initial investigate of your swimming pool case for free. If we find that there is not a […]

Mammogram Negligence Failure to Report Breast Cancer Risk
The federal government through the FDA sets forth the rules and regulations (called MQSA) that control the quality and standards for the performance of mammograms. This screening test is USELESS unless the test results are properly reported so that any necessary action or follow up can be taken. A letter is to be sent to […]

What is a “Hammer Letter” and will it help my case?
Pedroli and Gauthier, LLC A “Hammer Letter” is a type of demand letter that is sent from the injured parties attorney to the insurer of a tortfeasor (at fault party), or from the tortfeasor or their attorney to the insurance company. In the former situation, the letter usually makes a demand for settlement for an […]

What Are My Worker’s Compensation Benefits
If you have been injured while working, including at work and other locations, it is likely that you are entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. Our firm has abundant experience in handling worker’s compensation claims. The laws passed long ago by the State of Missouri requires that your employer, usually the employer’s insurance company, compensate […]

Delayed Caesarean Section When and How Quickly? Birth Injuries and Wrongful Death
THE LAW FIRM THAT HAS YOUR BACK BY GETTING OUT FRONT Emergency Cesarean (Caesarean) Sections, how fast should these be performed? We have successfully handled numerous birth injury and fetal death cases. See are prior experiences for various examples. We recently settled a case against a local obstetrician and a local hospital where the allegations were that […]

Is my apartment safe from intruders? Your landlord has duties to protect their tenants.
PEDROLI & GAUTHIER, LLC Premise Liability Case in St Louis County Missouri – Defective and Improperly Maintained Locking Common Area Doors – Rape of woman inside her own apartment. In the State of Missouri, a landlord must make your apartment reasonable secure from intruders. If a landlord undertakes security measures, it must exercise reasonable care […]
Small Cameras at Intersections, Do These Record?
A common question asked is whether these small intersection cameras record anything and can anyone get a copy of the video or see the video somewhere? According to the MoDOT, these cameras do not record anything and are only for controlling the traffic lights more efficiently. See: http://www.modot.org/stlouis/links/signalcameras.htm . The overhead cameras you […]

Who is really at fault for the motor vehicle accident? Traffic laws, do we know these?
WHO IS REALLY AT FAULT? Does the average driver really understand right of way rules and follow those rules while on the road. Do you really understand who was at fault in your motor vehicle collision? Over the years I have seen real confusion over simple rules of the road. I have effectively cross […]

Cholecystectomy (Gall Bladder Removal) Surgical Mistakes-Malpractice
Cholecystectomy is the removal of the gall bladder. Cholecystectomy is a common treatment of gallstones that are causing symptoms and certain other gallbladder problems. Surgical options include the procedure, called laparoscopic cholecystectomy which is done through the use of a camera, and the more invasive procedure is called open cholecystectomy where the abdomen is opened. There are many possible surgical […]
St. Louis Landfill Burning
If you or your family has been adversely affected by this urban catastrophe, you may have recourse. Don’t let these large corporations and the government trample your rights. Join us in becoming part of a group that takes on those responsible for the adverse health and property effects of the landfill. There are four potentially responsible […]

Negligence: Hydraulic Fluid Injury From Hose
2012 Perry County, Missouri SETTLEMENT: $250,000.00 Settlement of a Case involving the Negligent Repair of Hydraulic Hose on a Tractor ATTORNEYS: ROBERT H. PEDROLI, JR. AND DANIEL J. GAUTHIER PARTIES: Plaintiff was a middle age male farmer, and Defendant was a Corporation that operated a hardware store in Perry County Missouri. TYPE OF CLAIM: Allegations […]
Value City Roller Shoes
Defective roller shoe leads to personal injury suit against Value City Darla Taylor claims Value City Department Store sold her a defective shoe in a personal injury suit filed April 16 in Madison County Circuit Court. According to the complaint, Taylor purchased “Star Roller Shoes” which are manufactured in the Peoples Republic of China. Taylor […]

Peeping Tom Lawsuits
We handle Peeping Tom lawsuits. Don’ let your privacy be invaded by sick voyeurs without striking back where it hurts. We have abundant experience dealing with civil suits against these individuals and those businesses and persons who enabled the voyeurs. You have a reasonable right of privacy under Missouri and Illinois law. This applies in […]
Josh Hancock
2007- Josh Hancock, St. Louis Cardinals pitcher was involved in a fatal motor vehicle collision. We were involved in the successful defense of the tow truck driver who was sued by the family of St Louis Cardinal’s pitcher Josh Hancock after he was killed when he ran into the back of the tow truck while […]

I-44 Rear-Ender
In 2010, we settled a suit against a negligent driver (non-commercial vehicle) who rear ended our client on the Interstate causing him to be rear ended again by another vehicle. Our client was rendered unconscious and was in a coma for six weeks. We obtained court intervention and named his Mother as his legal representative […]

Tort Reform
Tort Reform creates an imbalance in the system against people and in favor of insurance companies, large corporations, large institutions, hospitals and doctors. I was taught that everyone should be responsible for their own conduct. This is the American way. This is justice. Freeloaders are frowned upon. If you spill milk you fully clean it […]
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