Medical Negligence


(Parties cannont be revealed)

Medical Negligence – 2006

Clients (three adult children of deceased mother) vs. a St. Louis Metropolitan hospital and admitting doctor and physician hospitalist

Type of Claim: Negligent discharge from hospital, hospital admitted approximately 60 year old female patient for progressive weakness and shortness of breath, and discharged her several days later, while family claimed her condition was deteriorating immediately prior to admission. Patient died on the same day as discharge from pneumonia in combination with pre-existing COPD.

Damages: Wrongful death of adult retired female, loss of relationship with adult children. No lost wages.

Medical Bills: less than $10,000.00.

Settlement: $500,000.00 at mediation’s against hospital and admitting doctor. Hospitalist dismissed without payment.

Settled after depositions at mediation near trial date .